The Two 'Frens'

This close-up of the foreskin partially retracted clearly shows the definition of the frenar band. It is noticeably tighter than the skin behind it, yet it is also very elastic. The cells in this band are a muscle-type tissue known as smooth muscle, different from the more familiar muscles since they are not attached to any bone and do not need to be to carry out their action. The moist nature of the glans is also clearly evident. The sulcus or groove curves upward here to dissect the glans into 'hemispheres'. This is where the frenulum is attached to the glans. In this photo it is seen on the underside of the penis and just above the frenar band.

From the underside with the foreskin retracted, the frenulum can be seen as an expanding web coming down from the glans and widening out under the sulcus. This frenulum, like the one under your tongue, is intended to maintain a maximum distention of it's members. It keeps the foreskin from being retracted too far and it is now believed to be the center point of the massive nerve network contained in the inner foreskin. All nerves 'report' to this point and from here the information is sent directly to the brain. In many circumcisions, the frenulum, and it's nerve network, are completely lost.

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